Jak zálohovat Raspberry Pi SD kartu v Linuxu a zmenšit ji na skutečnou velikost
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Drewsif/PiShrink/master/pishrink.sh
chmod +x pishrink.sh
sudo mv pishrink.sh /usr/local/bin
pishrink.sh[-adhrsvzZ] imagefile.img [newimagefile.img]
-s Don't expand filesystem when image is booted the first time -v Be verbose -r Use advanced filesystem repair option if the normal one fails -z Compress image after shrinking with gzip -Z Compress image after shrinking with xz -a Compress image in parallel using multiple cores -d Write debug messages in a debug log file
sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdb of=raspberry_image-`date +%Y%m%d`.img status=progres
sudo pishrink.sh -v raspberry_image-20240118.img